Finally! A simple, straightforward, and useful IV infusion calculator for Android! This calculator works great whether you are using a pump or gravity. It will give you the answer in mL/hr, gtts/min, and gtts/15seconds. You can also plug in the mL/hr to get the infusing dose.
Also included is an IV Push calculator and Fluid Rate calculator!
Calculators Included in Pro version:
Internet access is NOT required to use this app.
We also offer great support for this app. Want us to add a calculator/feature? Email us and we will get to work on it STAT!
nursing, nurse, registered, nursing student, medical, medicine, patient, critical care, medsurg, NCLEX, nursing school, nursing apps, RN, LVN, LPN, MD, EMT, NREMT, paramedic, medic, critical, care, emergency, ER, ED, CCU, ICU, cardiac, doctor, MD, calculator, calcs, med, respiratory, therapy, therapist, care, practitioner, RT, RCP, RRT, CRT, certified, IV, drip, drips, infusion, calculator, IV calculator, IV calc
Akhirnya! Sebuah sederhana, lugas, dan berguna IV infus kalkulator untuk Android! Kalkulator ini karya besar apakah Anda menggunakan pompa atau gravitasi. Ini akan memberikan jawaban dalam mL / jam, GTTS / min, dan GTTS / 15seconds. Anda juga dapat pasang di mL / jam untuk mendapatkan dosis Infusing.
Juga termasuk adalah IV push kalkulator dan Cairan Tingkat kalkulator!
Kalkulator Termasuk dalam versi Pro:
Mg / Hg
Mg / Min
Mg / Kg / Hr
Mcg / Kg / Hr
Mcg / Kg / Min
Mcg / Min
Mcg / Hr
Unit / Hr
Unit / Kg / Hr
Unit / Min
Akses internet TIDAK diperlukan untuk menggunakan aplikasi ini.
Kami juga menawarkan dukungan yang besar untuk aplikasi ini. Ingin kita untuk menambahkan kalkulator / fitur? Email kami dan kami akan mulai bekerja di atasnya STAT!
keperawatan, perawat, terdaftar, mahasiswa keperawatan, kedokteran, kedokteran, pasien, perawatan kritis, medsurg, NCLEX, sekolah perawat, aplikasi keperawatan, RN, LVN, LPN, MD, EMT, NREMT, paramedis, tenaga medis, kritis, perawatan, darurat, ER, ED, CCU, ICU, jantung, dokter, MD, kalkulator, calcs, med, pernapasan, terapi, terapis, perawatan, praktisi, RT, RCP, RRT, CRT, bersertifikat, IV, infus, menetes, infus, kalkulator, IV kalkulator, IV calc
Finally! A simple, straightforward, and useful IV infusion calculator for Android! This calculator works great whether you are using a pump or gravity. It will give you the answer in mL/hr, gtts/min, and gtts/15seconds. You can also plug in the mL/hr to get the infusing dose.
Also included is an IV Push calculator and Fluid Rate calculator!
Calculators Included in Pro version:
Internet access is NOT required to use this app.
We also offer great support for this app. Want us to add a calculator/feature? Email us and we will get to work on it STAT!
nursing, nurse, registered, nursing student, medical, medicine, patient, critical care, medsurg, NCLEX, nursing school, nursing apps, RN, LVN, LPN, MD, EMT, NREMT, paramedic, medic, critical, care, emergency, ER, ED, CCU, ICU, cardiac, doctor, MD, calculator, calcs, med, respiratory, therapy, therapist, care, practitioner, RT, RCP, RRT, CRT, certified, IV, drip, drips, infusion, calculator, IV calculator, IV calc